1. Pokemon Catcher:
You can catch pokemon and sell for profit
Requirements - 1 Pokemon.
Income gain for selling pokemon: $200 for common(ones you can get from Red and Blue and Yellow or Gold and Silver and Crystal). $500 for uncommon(Those you have to trade for in Red and Blue and Yellow or Gold and Silver and Crystal). $2000 for Rare any one or Two time pokemon in any version.
2. Pokemon Trainer:Train pokemon for battleing
Requirements-1 Starter Pokemon of first evolution(ex.Charmander, Bulbsaur, Squirtle, Totodile, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Lapas, Eevee, Pikachu, ect...)
Income Gain: $100 for non registered battles(Not pokemon captureing. Only with other players or non players). $300 for gym battle +$200 if you win. $1000 for indigo plateau or Orange League + $1000 for winning per match.
3. Pokemon Gym Leader: Add a new offical gym to the game
Requirements: Six pokemon of a Single type and Gym
(Any one can have a gym but offical gym must be approved by the Offical Pokemon League or be a gym leader)
Income Gain: $100 for accepting a match. $500 for losing the match the match. $1000 for winning the match. $3000 for winning against another gym leader. $1000 a month.
4. Pokemon Gym Assisstant:Help out an existing gym
Requirements: three pokemon of the same type as gym
Income Gain: $50 for accepting a match. $250 for losing the match the match. $500 for winning the match. $5000 for winning against gym leaders. $500
5. Pokemon Breeder: Help raises baby pokemon and create new pokemon
Requirements-2 Pokemon of the same type Income Gain:
Income Gain: Selling pokemon $100 per level. Taking Care of pokemon $500.
6. Pokemon Center Nurse:Help the injured pokemon
Requirements-A Chansey or Happiness and a Pokemon Center
Income Gain: $5000 per month.
7. Safari Zone Keeper:The guarden of endangered Species
Requirements-A Safari Zone and at least 1 Pokemon found in the Safari Zone (ex. Nidorina, Nidoran, Turos etc.)
Income Gain:$2000 per month.
8. Fishing Guru:Master fisher
Requirements-A Fish Farm, a fishing rod (any of them), and at least 1 water Pokemon
Income Gain:$100 for capturing. $500 per level for selling.
9. Researcher:Help descover new pokemon
Requirements-One rare Pokemon and a research lab.
Income Gain: $3000 per month.
10. Police Officer:Be a law enforcer
Requirements-Growlithe or Aracine and a Police Station
Income Gain: $4000 per month
11. Thief:Steal valuable pokemon
Requirements-1 Pokemon and a Hideout
Imcome Gain:$100 for capturing + $500 if successful. $4000 randsom.
12. Team Rocket member:Be an elite thief
Requirements-A Team Rocket partner. Together, you two must have a Meowth/Persian, Koffing/Weezing, and a Ekans/Arbok. or Ratta/Raticate, Drowse/Hypno, and Cubone/Marowak
Income Gain:$1000 a month. $50 for capturing + $250 if successful. $2500 randsom.
13. Pokemon Yourself - Play a pokemon
Requirements: Must be first eveloution can evolve (No baby pokemon)
income $0 unless you have payday
More jobs coming soon! E-mail me with ideas! |  |
Following Jobs under review. Pokemon Captian:Sail the seven seas Pokemon Crew:Manage the ships. Pokemon Arechologist:Search for ancient relics Pokemon Instructor: An Instuctor to Train Pokemon
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