Pokeball (30% chance success rate)-$200
Greatball (60% chance success rate)-$600
Ultraball (80% chance success rate)-$1200
Masterball (95% chance success rate)-$5000
Heatseeker (find fire pokemon)-$500
Old Rod(can only catch L.5 Tentacools and Magikarps)-$200
Good Rod (can catch Pokemon up to L.15)-$500
Super Rod (can catch any water Pokemon)-$1000
Bird Watching Kit (can help find flying Pokemon)-$500
Mr.Psychic's Easy to understand Psychic powers tape(helps you find Psychic Pokemon)-$500
Mining Kit(helps find ground Pokemon)-$500
Tent(For outdoor camping)- $100
PokeGear(Includes: Backpack Pokephone, Map, 2 Berries, 3 pokeballs) - $500
More to come soon!
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Nuts and Berries To customise those goody goody treats and snacks to a well equiped arsonal of pokeballs and other devises. Prices coming soon. |
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