Common Combat
As of now just rpg. Powers vary. Players list the attack and what they are doing. Both describe how there own pokemon reacts. Battle winner is determine by both players not just one. 1. Pokemon combat can happen anywhere or at anytime most battles must be accepted for sake of honor unless it is team rocket.
2. Combat decisions should be posted at least one a week or the opponent can have a free attack unless stated otherwise. EX. Girl: ninetails uses kick on you bulbasaur . -one week passes- Girl: my ninetail kicks your dazed pokemon while you stand their shocked
3. Combat attacks should be visual. EX. Ninetail opens its mouth and releases a searing hot blue flame at the poor defenseless bulbasaur.
4. Combat scenes are more than just attack and receive damage it is a three dimentional board where strategy works better. EX. Boy: Bulbasaur flies into the trunk of a nearby tree. releasing a scream of pain "SSAAUURR!!" Regain from his strengh the blow he wables just as ninetails use the flamethrower. He quickly jump to the side of the blast barely missing him. Bulbasaur uses vine whip to push the burnt tree over on top of the ninetails. OOC: Bulbasaur will also charge his solar beam while your pokemon is dodging or gets hit by the tree
5. Give the person some credit when it is due if it was a good hit let them have it. EX. Girl: ok ninetails is shocked as the tree falls and gets hit my the tree which breaks as it was weak from the attack. She is moving side to side not knowing where the next attack is coming from. OOC: since bulbasuar attack is two stages my ninetails will be able to counter your solar beam with a flamethrower
6. If a dispute arrive let the board decide. EX. Boy and Girl are fighting over will bulbasaur attack. Boy says he should get a free attack since nintails is dazed and knocking over a tree is not a real attack power. Girls says it is. They post their complaint and I will decided and reply based on how in real life it will work.
7. Evolution does matter but conditions do change Ex. Ninetails and Bulbasaurs beam hit each other. the two can not decide who should get the hit. Naturaly the girls says mine should win because my attack is fire and I am a higher evolution then yours. But the boys says but your pokemon got hit by a tree it got to be hurting so my pokemon should be stronger now and beside my bulbasaur evolves into ivorysaur. The board this time decides that the boy is right and lets his attack wins.
8. Three strikes your out. This means that if a pokemon gets hit three times it can be captured. EX. The boy and girl both have to hits on them the boy gets hit by the kick and grazed by the second. and the girl gets hit by the solar beam and by the tree if the boy can convince the board that getting hit by the tree is worth two hits then the her pokemon is knocked out. and get captured. She could also covince the board that since the tree is weak and that solar beam is weak against the grass it should be concidered as one attack. If they rule in favor of the boy he wins if not then she may be able to convice them that the scratch from the flamethrower is worth two hits and then she only needs one more to capture.
9. Only one pokemon may fight in trainer battles with the exception of team rocket you can use as many as you have. Same goes for pokemon VS. Pokemon athough this is concidered cheating.
10. Have fun